Welcome to the new format for DIAKONIA World Federation’s Newsletter. At the 2019 meeting of the Executive Committee held in Neuendettelsau last November, it was decided to change the way we communicate. The annual newsletter sent as a PDF by email had been reporting on news from the annual DIAKONIA Executive meeting. We are now moving to an e-news format that will hopefully allow more current issues and news to be shared. It will be one to two pages, so can be easily printed off, with several e-news editions to be sent each year.
This is our first issue, and we invite you to respond to us and tell us what you like, what you would like to see in it, and what needs to be changed. We hope to be able to report back on what your Executive Committee is doing, important happenings in your communities, and celebrations.
In order to do this, we need YOUR help. Please send us pictures, information about events, and reports that you would like to share with our world-wide community. Please remember that this format invites short, concise wording.
Send articles and information to news@diakonia-world.org.