
(suggestions to add to this list will always be welcome)

A Selected Bibliography

A Plan to Restore the Diaconate in the Anglican Church of Canada”, Committee on Ministry, Anglican Church of Canada, 1989.

Abraham, M.V. “Diakonia in the Early Letters of Paul.” Indian Journal of Theology, 32, 1-2 (Dec. 1982-Jan. 1983) 61-67.

Aitchison, Ronnie. “The Lost Deacon.” Epworth Review, Oct. 2000, Vol. 27, No 4, 49-56.

Alexander, John F. “I Don’t Want to be a Servant.” The Other Side, 114 (March 1981) 10-13.

Alt, James L. “Deacons: Ministers in the Marketplace.” Ligourian (Ligouri) 87, 4, (Apr. 1999) 26-27.

Ampony, G., Büscher, M., Hofmann B., Ngnintedem, F., Solon, D., Werner, D. (Editors). International Handbook on Ecumenical Diakonia: Contextual Theologies and Practices of Diakonia and Christian Social Services – Resources for Study and Intercultural Learning. Regnum, an imprint of the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies, 2021. Can be downloaded here (with watermarks, for personal use only)

Anglican-Lutheran International Commission, Anglican Consultative Council, and Lutheran World Federation. The Diaconate As Ecumenical Opportunity : The Hanover Report of the Anglican-Lutheran International Commission. London: Published for the Anglican Consultative Council and the Lutheran World Federation by Anglican Communion Pub, 1996.

Atkinson, James. “Diakonia at the Time of the Reformation,” in Service in Christ. McCord, James I. & Parker, T.H.L. (eds), London, Epworth, 1966, pp80- 88. Link here.

Au, Joseph. “Jesus the Servant and the Servant Church: New Testament Perspectives.” (Trans. Peter Barry) Tripod Ê30 (1985) 35-44. Link here.

Bancroft, Jane M. Deaconesses in Europe (and their lessons for America). E-book online (2007). 

Barker, Jonathan. The Renewed Diaconate: A personal view, pp 119-124. In ‘Growing up Uniting’ edited by Patricia Curthoys and William W. Emilsen. Uniting Church National History Society 2021. Online link here

Barnett, James M. The Diaconate: A Full and Equal Order. Pennsylvania, Trinity Press International, 1995.

Barrett, Richard. “A Theology for the Diaconate?” Priests and People. 3, 6, (June 1989) 201-207.

Beros, D., Bosela, E., Ezekiel, L., Kahongya, K., Liu R., Moon, G., Strizzi, M., Werner, D. International Handbook on Creation Care and Eco-Diakonia: Concepts and Theological Perspectives of Churches from the Global South. Regnum Handbooks, 2022. A PDF can be downloaded here (waterprint version). 

Blyth, Myra, Wendy S Robins, and World Council of Churches. Programme Unit IV, Sharing and Service. No Boundaries to Compassion? : An Exploration of Women, Gender and Diakonia. Geneva: WCC, 1988.

Böttcher Reinhard, and Lutheran World Federation. Prophetic Diakonia: For the Healing of the World” Report. Geneva, Switzerland: Lutheran World Federation, 2003.

Boyce, Sandy. “Pathfinder and Pioneer: a tribute to Betty Matthews, the Uniting Church’s first ordained deacon”, in Uniting Church Studies, Vol 24 No. 2, 2022. Link here

Brodd, Sven-Erik. An Escalating Phenomenon: the Diaconate from an Ecumenical Perspective. Link here.

Brown, Rosalind. Being a Deacon Today: Exploring a Distinctive Ministry in the Church and in the World. Harrisburg, PA: Morehouse Pub, 2005.

Campos, Gail.  History of Diaconal Ministry in the United Church of Canada.  Committee on Diaconal Ministry, Toronto: 1991.

Clark, David. Breaking the Mould of Christendom: Kingdom Community, Diaconal Church and the Liberation of the Laity. London: Epworth, 2005.

Clark, David, The Diaconal Church: Beyond the Mould of Christendom, Peterborough, Epworth, 2008

Clark, David. The hallmark of the Methodist Diaconal Order – its life as a Religious Order –
and some implications for the future of Methodism. Theology and Ministry 2, 2013. 
Online here

Clark, David. Building Kingdom Communities with the Diaconate as a New Order of Mission. Peterborough: FastPrint Publishing, 2016.

Collins, John N. Diakonia : Re-Interpreting the Ancient Resources. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990.

Collins, John N. Deacons and the Church : Making Connections between Old and New. Leomister, Herefordshire: Gracewing, 2002.

Collins, John N. Diakonia Studies: Critical Issues in Ministry. Oxford University Press, 2014. 

Commission on Inter-Church Aid, Refugee and World Service. Contemporary Understandings of Diakonia : Report of a Consultation, Geneva, Switzerland 22-26 November, 1982. Geneva: Commission on Inter-Church Aid, Refugee and World Service, World Council of Churches, 1983.

Craighill, Peyton G, and Symposium on Diaconal Ministry (1992 : Philadelphia, Pa.). Diaconal Ministry, Past, Present & Future : Essays from the Philadelphia Symposium, 1992. Providence, R.I.: North American Association for the Diaconate, 1994.

Crain, Margaret Ann, Jack L Seymour, Jimmy Carr, and García Joaquín. A Deacon’s Heart : The New United Methodist Diaconate. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 2001.

Crain, Margaret Ann. The United Methodist Deacon. Abingdon, 2014. 

Crawford, Morag. A Story to Tell : The Diaconate : 125 Years of Diaconal Ministry in Scotland. Edinburgh, Scotland: Diaconate Council of the Church of Scotland, 2013.

Cummings, Owen F, William T Ditewig, and Richard R Gaillardetz. Theology of the Diaconate : The State of the Question : The National Association of Diaconate Directors Keynote Addresses, 2004. New York: Paulist Press, 2005. Link here.

Davis, Joyce. From the Bottom Up : A Story of Collegial Leadership : Celebrating 100 Years of Service by the Order of Diaconal Ministries in the the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Johnstown, ON: Presbyterian Church of Canada, 2011.

Diakonia : Challenge and Response. New York: DIAKONIA Foundation, World Federation of Diaconal Associations and Diaconal Communities, 1996.

DOTAC Conference (1999 : Brazil), and Edwin F Hallenbeck. Diakonia – Prophetic Praxis – Agir : The Dotac Conference Brasil 1999. Providence, R.I.: North American Association for the Diaconate, 2002.

Doughtery, Mary A. My Calling to Fulfill: Deaconesses in the United Methodist Tradition. United Methodist Women, 1997. 

Dowsett, R., Phiri, I., Birdsall, D., Olika Terfassa, D., Yung, H. and Jørgensen,K. Evangelism and Diakonia in Context. Regnum Books International, 2015. Can be downloaded here (waterprint version).

Edgardh, Ninna, and Erik Lundstrom. “The gender order of prophetic diaconia.” Diaconia, vol. 8, no. 1, Apr. 2017, pp. 38+

Epting, Susanne Watson. Unexpected Consequences: The Diaconate Renewed. New York: Morehouse Publishing, 2015.

Eurich, Johannes and Swart, Ignatius (eds). Diaconia and Christian Social Practice in a Global Perspective (collection of 16 papers, online). Wartburg Theological Seminary, June 2023. 

Felgentreff, Ruth. DIAKONIA: From Utrecht to Bethel 1946-1975.  Published on behalf of the World Federation of Deaconess Associations for the DEACONIA Conference in Bethel, 1975.

Gooley, Anthony. Deacons Today: New Wine, New Wineskins. Coventry Press, 2019. Link here.

Gurney, Robin, and World Council of Churches. The Face of Pain and Hope : Stories of Diakonia in Europe. Geneva: WCC Publications, 1995.

Hall, Christine, ed. The Deacon’s Ministry.  Herefordshire: Gracewing, Fowler Wright Books, 1992.

Hartley, Benjamin L, and Paul E Van Buren. The Deacon : Ministry through Words of Faith and Acts of Love. Nashville, Tenn.: United Methodist Church, General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, Division of Ordained Ministry, Section of Deacons and Diaconal Ministries, 1999.
Available online here

Hartley, Benjamin L. An Empirical Look at the Ecumenical Diaconate in the United States. North American Association for the Diaconate Monograph Series, 2003. Available online here. (UMC)

Hartley, Benjamin L. What’s In a Word? Diakonia and Deacons in the Bible and Today. 2014. Available online here. (UMC)

Heuer, Kay and Teresa Jones.  “Diaconal Ministry as a Feminist Model of Ministry” in Gertrude Lebans, ed. Gathered By The River: Reflections and Essays of Women Doing Ministry.  Toronto: United Church Publishing House, 1994.

Johnson, Earl S. The Presbyterian Deacon : An Essential Guide. 1st ed. Louisville, Ky.: Geneva Press, 2002.

Jore, Tim. The Equipping Servants of the Early Church: Rediscovering the Original Function of the Deacons in the New Testament. 2023. Available to download on Figshare and Academia

Keller, Rosemary S., Gerald F. Moede, Mary Elizabeth Moore.  Called to Serve: The United Methodist Diaconate.  Nashville: United Methodist General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, 1987.

Larson, Duane H. From Word and Sacrament : A Renewed Vision for Diaconal Ministry. Chicago: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, 1999.

Mar Gregorios, Paulos.  The Meaning and Nature of Diakonia.  Geneva: WCC Publications, 1988.

McKee, Elsie Anne. Diakonia in the Classical Reformed Tradition and Today.  Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1989.

McKnight, Shawn. Understanding the Diaconate: Historical, Theological and Sociological Foundations. The Catholic University of America Press, 2018. Link here.

McRae, Alison F. De-Centred Ministry: A Diaconal View of Mission and Church. Melbourne College of Divinity, 2009. Link here.

Meijers, Erica. Come and Eat: Table Fellowship as a Fundamental Form of Diakonia. Diacona, Volume 10, Issue 1, December 2019. Published online in 2020. Link here.

Murray, Bertil, and Rönnblom Rose-Marie. Diaconal Challenges : A Material for Reflection. Uppsala: Diocese of Uppsala, Church of Sweden, 1999.

Nessan, Craig L. The Diaconate of all believers: Theology, Formation, Practice. Wartburg Theological Seminary, June 2023. Available online here

Olson, Jeannine E. One Ministry Many Roles : Deacons and Deaconesses through the Centuries. Concordia Scholarship Today. St. Louis: Concordia Pub. House, 1992.

Orton, Andrew and Stockdale, Todd. Making Connections: Exploring Methodist Deacons’ Perspectives on Contemporary Diaconal Ministry. Sacristy Press, 2014. Available online here

Orton, Andrew (2013). The Diverse and Contested Diaconate: Why Understanding this Ministry is Crucial to the Future of the Church. International Journal of Practical Theology (2013), 16(2), 260-284. Link here

Paulos, Gregorios. The Meaning and Nature of Diakonia. Risk Book Series, No. 38. Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1988.

Plater, Ormonde. Many Servants : An Introduction to Deacons. Cambridge, Mass.: Cowley Publications, 1991.

Plater, Ormonde. Deacons in the Liturgy. 2nd ed. New York: Church Pub, 2009.

Rohr, Richard, Thomas C Welch, and National Association of Diaconate Directors. Convention (2001 : Tempe, Ariz.). Called, Formed, Sent. Rockford, IL: National Association of Diaconate Directors, 2002.

Strauch, Alexander. The New Testament Deacon : The Church’s Minister of Mercy. Littleton, Colo.: Lewis and Roth, 1992.

Catherine Treasurer. Walking on Glass: Women Deacons Speak Out. London, SPCK, 1991.

United Church of Canada. Division of Ministry Personnel and Education. Committee on Diaconal Ministry. History of Diaconal Ministry in the United Church of Canada, 1925-1991. Toronto?: United Church of Canada, 1991.

Vandezande, Ben. Servant Leaders : A Practical Guide for Deacons. Grand Rapids, Mich.: CRC Publications, 2000.

Van Kinken, Jaap.  Diakonia: Mutual Helping with Justice and Compassion.  Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1989.

Williams, E. Louise. Growing in Ministry, Formation for Diaconal Service. Monograph Series / North American Association for the Diaconate, No. 10. Providence, R.I.: Center for the Diaconate, 1999.

Journal Information

Anglican and Episcopal History (ISSN 0896-8039), formerly the Historical Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church, is published quarterly in March, June, September, and December.

International Journal of Practical Theology