August E-News DOTAC: Lutheran Deaconess Conference
The Lutheran Deaconess Conference gathered virtually for our Annual Meeting July 15-18. Nearly two hundred deaconesses, deaconess students, and guests gathered from home, offices, sailboats, and backyards across the United States and the globe. It was a true joy to see familiar and new faces as we worshiped, reflected, celebrated, learned, and laughed together.
Just one page of the gathered community.
Our conference centered on the theme God Creates Amidst the Chaos:The Radical Hope of the Gospel. Dr. Deaconess Rhoda Schuler, Dr. Mark Koschmann and Dr. Kara Koschmann led us through our program reflecting on the themes of Chaos, Love and Jesus. They offered us stories, personal experiences, and history as we examined these chaotic times. Workshops were offered on a variety of topics from artistic activism, cultural responsiveness, spiritual ecology, spiritual practices, and more. As a community we once again learned to work with technology to be together safely as we long to break bread together soon.
A care package was mailed to participants to help us feel closer together.