The Purpose and History of DIAKAID
As an organization, DIAKONIA is committed to the scriptural mandate to “love mercy, seek justice and walk humbly with our God.” (Micah 6:8) By working together, DIAKONIA furthers the gospel imperative toward mutual relationships of respect and solidarity with the “least of these” (Matthew 25).
Before the actual formation of DIAKAID, DIAKONIA had taken action to provide financial aid to deaconess communities and diaconal projects. By 1970 the name DIAKAID was chosen and a decision was made to consider applications every year.
Applications have now closed for the 2024 DIAKAID Grants. Applications received after Tuesday 30th April cannot be accepted. The DIAKAID Committee will discuss the applications and proposals at its June meeting and inform the applicants in July/August.
Contact: Sebastian.haupt@diakoneo.de
Examples of DIAKAID projects here.
2021-2022: Ten DIAKAID Grants!

It is very exciting that grants of 1,000 Euros will be given to ten projects from member associations. These meet the criteria for the Diakaid grants.
These projects are
- Educational materials and uniforms for less privileged students: The Deaconess Order of the Methodist Church in Nigeria
- Counselling for abused women, support for children, books: The Anglican Communion of South Africa Zwelonke SACC
- School supplies and food for children and young people: Fiaraha Miaina Amim Bavaka Mamre FJKM (Faza), Madagascar
- Empowering women to set up in business: Buffalo City women in Business (ACSA), South Africa
- Vegetable gardens: Nonimba Non Profit Company (ACSA), South Africa
- Trauma counselling: Fiji Methodist Deaconess Order
- Supporting poor people who have Covid and are self isolating: Ikadiwa HKBP, Indonesia
- Relief support for communities devastated by Southwest Monsoon and Typhoon Fabian: The United Methodist Church Commission on Deaconess Service, Philippines
- Support program for families of illegally detained church workers: United Church of Christ in the Philippines Women’s Workers Fellowship
- Development of mental health educational and training resources: Bethania Fellowship Home, India
The DIAKAID team received 22 applications in total but some of these came from groups who were not member associations. DIAKAID funds have been exhausted for 2021. We welcome contributions to build the fund for the next round of DIAKAID grants in 2022. We sincerely thank the individuals and member associations who have contributed to DIAKAID funding which enables financial support for projects by member associations. Please pray for these diaconal associations and the valuable work they are doing around the world.

Emergency Fund
The Emergency Fund is available in times of natural disasters or other emergencies, which seriously affect the work of our member organizations.
In 2024, funds were given to the Evangelical Church of the Lutheran Confession in Brazil (IELCB) in response to the devastating floods, to help some families with basic necessities.