DIAKONIA Virtual Assembly 2022

PROGRAM Day 1 (in English and German below, and in PDF to download
(program can be viewed on Youtube anytime from 24th October when it is officially ‘launched’)
During the first day’s program, we will celebrate communion together. In preparation for this, you might want to be sure you have the communion elements of bread and wine or juice available. Please be ready to turn your volume up or down as the video dictates.
The program will be posted at 10:00 am CET (Central European time) It runs about 2 hours. Please press the translator button for your language on YouTube.
Neuendettelsau from Above
President’s Report
~ Rev. Deacon Sandy Boyce, Australia
Volunteers Committee Report
Introduction of Executive Committee members
Opening Worship
~ Rev. Marianne Uri Øverland, Presider, Norway
Examples of Diaconal Ministry around our World
Contributions from the Deaconess Order of the UMC in Fiji, the Diaconate of the Church of Scotland, the Office of Deaconess and Home Missioner of the UMC and the Sisterhood of Bethesda in Basel.
Executive Committee discussion
Diakonia and Scripture
Individual Deacons share about the Biblical underpinnings of their individual calls.
Worship and Meditation
Archdeacon Anne Russel-Brighty, New Zealand and Gordon Pennykid, DCS, Scotland
Während des Programms werden wir das Abendmahl feiern, gerne dürfen Sie sich schon Brot und Wein vorbereiten, um gemeinsam zu feiern! Bitte regeln Sie die Lautstärke nach, je nach Bedarf.
Start um 10 Uhr auf Youtube bis ca. 12:00.Bitte drücken Sie den Übersetzungsknopf auf Youtube(CC drücken unterhalb)!!
Neuendettelsau von Oben
Bericht der Präsidentin
~ Rev. Deacon Sandy Boyce, Australia
Bericht der Ehrenamtlichen Komitees
Vorstellung der Vorstandsmitglieder
~ Rev. Marianne Uri Øverland, Presider, Norway
Beispiele von Diakonischer Arbeit weltweit
Beiträge von Diakonissen aus Fidji, Diakonat in der Church of Schottland, Office of Deaconess and Home Missionar United Methodist in den U.S.A und aus der Schwesterngemeinschaft Bethesda in Basel
Kurzes Forum des Vorstands
Diakonie und Bibelstellen
Diakonissen und Diakoninnen und Diakone erzählen von ihrer Berufung und darauf bezogene Bibelverse.
Andacht und Meditation
mit Anne Russel-Brighty, Erzdiakonin aus Neuseeland and Gordon Pennykid aus Schottland
Please be ready to turn your volume up or down as the video dictates.
Program Day Two – October 25, 2022
The program will be posted at 10:00 am CET (Central European time) It runs about 2 1/2 hours. Please press the translator button for your language on YouTube.
Remembering Previous Assemblies
Regional Report
DRAE (Africa/Europe)
DAP (Asia Pacific)
DOTAC mericas and Caribbean)
Finance Report
Examples of Diaconal Ministry around our World
Contributions from Methodist Deaconesses of Nigeria. Kaiserwerth Verband, Methoidist Diaconal Order of the United Kingdom, and the Lovisenberg Deaconesses
Examples of Diaconal Community Engagement Sending into the World
Bitte regeln Sie die Lautstärke nach, je nach Bedarf.
Programm Tag 2 – 25.Oktober 2022
Start um 10 Uhr auf Youtube bis ca. 12:30. Bitte drücken Sie den Übersetzungsknopf auf Youtube(CC drücken )
Rückschau auf vorherige Versammlungen Berichte aus den Regionen
DRAE (Europa/Afrika)
DAP (Asien/Pazifik) DOTAC (Amerikas/Karibik)
Beispiele aus Diakonischen Arbeitsfeldern weltweit
Beiträge Methodist Deaconesses of Nigeria. Kaiserwerther Verband, Methodist Diaconal Order of the United Kingdom, und die Lovisenberg Diakonissen Norwegen
Beispiele von Engagement in der Gemeinde Sendung und Segen
Why a virtual Assembly?
The plans to hold the DWF Assembly in Darwin in 2021 were disrupted by the COVID pandemic, and so a virtual World Assembly has been planned in 2022 with reports, videos from our member associations, worship led by member associations, reports from DIAKAID projects, Regional reports etc.
Consider organising a ‘watch party’ with diaconal friends, or with your community, or on your own at a time that suits you.
This is a way to share what’s happening in DIAKONIA – in the Regions, and with the work of the DIAKONIA Executive. We hope you can join us for the virtual Assembly.
About the theme: {Dis}Embodied Diakonia
Embodied (‘in body’)
We each embody and live out diakonia in different ways. How do we live out our understanding of diakonia in our different contexts? What is the gift my tradition gives to you? What from your tradition is a gift to me? (Receptive ecumenism/diaconal ecumenism).
John 1.14: The Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighbourhood.
Disembodied – spiritual connections
COVID has disconnected us from meeting in person. We may feel as if our ‘online’ connections are ‘disembodied’. But there is a spiritual thread that connects us as God’s Spirit weaves us together.
Ephesians 4.4: There is one body and one Spirit – just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call.
There is no cost. However, please consider donating through the PayPal link on the home page, which will support the DWF Travel Fund for delegates to the next DIAKONIA World Assembly scheduled for 2025. The Travel Fund provides transportation and registration fees to ensure the attendance of at least one person from each of our member communities at an in-person Assembly.
DAP (DIAKONIA Asia Pacific) is hosting two live sessions as part of the virtual Assembly. The first is hosted by the Deaconesses in the Philippines; the second by Deacons in the Uniting Church in Australia (Zoom link here). All welcome to join in – meet some new people from member communities around the world.

Lisa Polito is hosting a ‘watch party on 24th and 25th at Valparaiso.

More details of the DIAKONIA World Assembly 2025 to come.