Executive Committee
Executive Committee 2021-2025 (Current)
The delegates elect the President of the World Federation.
The members of the Executive Committee are appointed through the Regions. DRAE elects the members at their quadrennial regional conference. DAP has typically elected members at the DIAKONIA World Assembly. DOTAC appoints members through the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee serves as the management board.
(* note: due to COVID pandemic the Executive Committee continues until the 2025 Assembly)
Members – click here to read a short biography of each member
World President Rev Deacon Sandy Boyce (Australia)
Read the President’s blog, sharing stories and prayers.
DIAKONIA Region Asia-Pacific (DAP)
Regional President: Deaconess Meresiana Kuricava (Fiji)
Vice President: Rev Deacon Christa Megaw (Australia)
DIAKONIA of the Americas and the Caribbean (DOTAC)
Regional President: Ted Dodd, Diaconal Minister (Canada)
Rev. Ann Blane, Order of Diaconal Ministries, Presbyterian Church in America
DIAKONIA Region Africa-Europe (DRAE)
Regional President and DWF Vice President: Deaconess Ibironke Oworu (Nigeria)
Sr. Tina Earl (Germany)
Deaconess Mable Sichali, United Church of Zambia
Sister Gunhild Heidke (Germany)
Secretary: Sr. Traude Leitenberger (Germany)
Treasurer: Gordon Pennykid DCS (Scotland)
Representative for Financial and Law (RFL)/ Neuendettelsau: Sebastian Haupke (Germany)
Editor DIAKONIA E-News: vacant
Webminder: Rev Deacon Sandy Boyce (Australia); Tech support Rev Geoff Hurst