August E-News DAP: IKADIWA HKBP REPORT June 2021
We would like to start this report from the periodization of the Batak Christian Protestant Church (HKBP) leaders who were elected at the HKBP General Synod on 9 – 13 December 2020. The leadership period lasts once in four years. This leadership period has always been a big event in the HKBP church. In addition, the periodization of the leadership at the General Synod is also the time to set the strategic plan for the HKBP and the Thema Service every year, where 2021 is set as empowerment.
Since early January 2021, all HKBP churches have implemented empowerment programs, empowering congregations, elders and full-time ministers. The COVID-19 pandemic period should not make church services sluggish, on the contrary, we must be more active because there is technology that helps us to reach the congregation. Empowerment can be done face-to-face in a limited number and through virtual in large numbers. Both of these methods each have advantages and disadvantages the biggest in the use of virtual is an unstable internet network. There are many places in Indonesia where the internet network is still limited and even there is no internet network at all and those who live in areas like this cannot participate in programs that use virtual. This is a challenge for Deaconesses who live in remote villages.
Deaconess services in mining area is still the actual news from Dairi – North Sumatra – Indonesia. This issue is no longer just a local issue but has become an international issue. In May 2021 there was a big demonstration in Dairi. The community demands that the mining company be closed immediately because it is very damaging to nature. The Deaconesses accompanied the community at this demonstration. We have sent a link to news about this mining problem which has been published in Germany.
We will also not forget the assistance we received from Diakaid DWF in October 2020 specifically for kindergarten teachers and parents. This assistance has brought joy to them during this pandemic. Many church ministers have been infected with COVID-19 including Deaconesses. This global difficult time has brought sadness everywhere, but we must keep our spirits up. We pray that this COVID-19 pandemic will pass quickly. The last news we want to convey is that on Sunday, April 18, 2020 Indonesia lost a pioneer in the diakonia ministry at the HKBP church, Deac. Nuria Gultom (94) years old was one of the first Deaconesses in HKBP and also the founder of Diaconess Education. She dedicated her whole life to diakonia work. The funeral service on Tuesday, April 20, 2021 was led by Ephorus (Bishop) HKBP and attended by more than 250 mourners, most were Deaconesses. This is one of the historic moments in the HKBP church and for the Deaconesses. Deac. Nuria Gultom is a pioneer and reformer in HKBP and the community. “I am with you always, even unto the end of the world” Matthew 28, 20 Thus our report, may God protect us, stay healthy and enthusiastic! Siborongborong, June 21, 2021IKADIWA HKBP Deac. Solide Siahaan