The DIAKONIA World Federation is organised into three regions:
Typically every fourth year a World Assembly is held in one of the Regions. These assemblies consist of delegates from the member associations and communities, the Executive Committee, and anyone interested in DIAKONIA. Along with business sessions and regional gatherings, worship, Bible studies, lectures, small group discussion, workshops, singing and celebrating are important elements of these gatherings.
The delegates elect the President of the World Federation and the members of the executive committee who are nominated by the member associations. The Executive Committee is the management board. The Executive Committee meets regularly to take care of the business of DIAKONIA World Federation and to continue building relationships between the Regions and Member Associations. The meetings are held in a variety of places around the world and are always connected to places where we have Member Associations and connections. Meetings also include field visits to local diaconal communities and associations and sites of diaconal service.
DIAKONIA regularly publishes E-News about current activities and news from member associations, and reports from the DIAKONIA World Federation. The E-News has replaced publication of the DIAKONIA Newsletter, which has ceased. Previous editions are available in the archives.
DIAKONIA is financed by membership fees and donations.
DIAKAID, a program of DIAKONIA World Federation, seeks to fund special diaconal projects and emergency responses of Member Associations and communities throughout the world.
DIAKONIA World Federation also works with other ecumenical agencies in the world, including the World Council of Churches, PIECR (Permanent International Consultation on Religious Life) and International Diaconate Center (IDC).

DIAKONIA World Federation has also formed several committees. These committees are:
Communication – Amongst the roles of this Committee are: Review the various communication platforms of the World Federation (e.g. E-news, Web Site, Monthly Prayer, President’s Blog, social media) making recommendations and suggestions for improvement, and participate in suggesting and collecting news items and profiles for the variety of platforms. Mandate here.
DIAKAID (grants) – Members of this Committee will have competence in reviewing grant applications, promoting grant-giving funds, supporting grant applicants, and assessing grant projects. Mandate here.
DIAKAID 2020 grants Past DIAKAID grants
Membership Connections – The Membership Connections committee will manage and oversee the work of encouraging relationships between and amongst DIAKONIA World Federation member communities and individuals, encouraging reciprocity between people in associations, exchanges etc. Mandate here.
Diaconal Formation Committee – This committee will coordinate and support a network of those doing diaconal formation and training, and to encourage sharing of information across the Federation.
Mandate here.
Donor Development Committee – This committee shall manage and oversee the work of donor development for the DIAKONIA World Federation. Mandate here.
Finance Committee – This Committee will oversee the financial management of DIAKONIA World Federation. Mandate here.
New Member Communities Committee – This committee will manage and oversee the work of recruiting and supporting new member communities in DIAKONIA World Federation. Mandate here.
Justice Committee – This committee will manage and oversee the efforts of the DWF with regard to various issues of justice. The Committee members are to be chosen for their competence in activism, research, and networking. Tasks include researching social justice initiatives undertaken by our member communities, other ecumenical partners, and individuals. The Committee will find ways to set priorities and focus DWF justice work. They will develop communications strategies in collaboration with the Communications Committee and consider ways that the members of DWF might be supportive of social justice work. They will recruit leaders to facilitate events and programs that promote social justice networking, information-sharing, and learning, and publicize these opportunities. Mandate here.
Theology of Diakonia – This committee will encourage theological discussion, study and reflection about the nature, purpose and aims of diakonia. Members of the Committee are to be chosen for their competence in theological reflection, biblical scholarship, and academic research, and for their eagerness to animate theological discussion about diakonia. They will research the current state of literature concerning the theology of diakonia and consult with authors and scholars in the field.
Mandate here.