
DIAKONIA offers an international and ecumenical community of diaconal friendship, connecting us in diversity and commonality. 
DIAKONIA broadens our worldview and deepens our sense of diaconal vocation.  
DIAKONIA reminds the church of God’s call to service, justice, compassion, and peace for creation, and assists us in living out our ministries in the world with vision and hope. 
The church is not the church without diakonia.

DIAKONIA Region Africa Europe (DRAE)
DIAKONIA of the Americas and Caribbean (DOTAC)
DIAKONIA Asia Pacific (DAP)
Find out more about the DIAKONIA structure here

For DIAKONIA news, please go to the DIAKONIA World Federation Facebook group. 

2025 DIAKONIA World Assembly
Dates: 7-12th July, 2025
Moshi, Tanzania
the first DIAKONIA World Assembly in Africa

Invitation Letter Moshi – English

Invitation Letter Moshi – Deutsch

Registration is now open – please use the link
The deadline for registration is 31st December 2024.
The cost of the Assembly is 880 Euro and should be paid into DWF’s account in Sparkasse Ansbach at the latest 28th February 2025. All payments must be made in Euro.


Payee: DIAKONIA Weltbund e.V.
Bank: Sparkasse Ansbach
Address of the bank: Sparkassenplatz 1, 91522 Ansbach, Germany 
IBAN: DE58 7655 0000 0008 9600 15 
Ref: Moshi_your name

It is possible to register after 31st December 2024 but then a surcharge of 15% will apply (= 1012€). The very last date to register is 28th February 2025.

The Executive Committee and the Moshi Planning Committee are aware of the increasing costs for all of us. We have managed to keep the registration cost very reasonable, and consistent with the previous two Assemblies. We hope it will enable many people from our Member Organisations to attend the Assembly. The Assembly registration fee covers accommodation, transfer from/to Kilimanjaro airport, shuttle service to/from the hotel in the morning and evening if required, breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee, water, the local excursion planned in the program, the lectures and the workshops.

Flight costs, additional excursions and sightseeing and other transfers are not included in the price.

Arrival on Monday 7th July for registration, welcome and evening reception program, Assembly program from 8th-11th July, and departure on 12th July.
(Or people may arrive early or leave later for sightseeing).

An activity of DIAKONIA World Federation in collaboration with Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania (ELCT) – Northern Diocese.

DOTAC – invitation to two Zoom sessions on Reconciliation (more details here)
Monday, September 16 at 1 pm Central Daylight Time
This Zoom will “dwell in the Word and with quotes from commentaries and theologians as we open our hearts to reconciliation – listening, learning, and moving forward with hope and action”.
Monday, October 21 at 1 pm Central Daylight Time
A panel actively engaged in reconciliation in their ministries will share their wisdom, experience, and knowledge from a variety of ministry contexts and ecumenical traditions. The panel will include a participant from the recent DOVE Conference.
(*Time zone converter: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html)

2024 MONTHLY PRAYER LETTER in German and English
(click here to see previous editions)

Prayer Letter September 2024 (English)
Gebetsbrief September 2024 (Deutsch)