Justice and Community Development Intensive
29 September - 2 October
This unit is for Deacon candidates in the Uniting Church in Australia, as well as other ministry practitioners. It introduces students to the social, political and cultural contexts of injustice in contemporary Australia, reflecting on missional and ethical responses.
Community Development principles will be brought into dialogue with biblical and theological sources expressing God’s desire for justice and shalom. Themes of
prophetic imagination, peacemaking, community building, resistance and advocacy, partnership building, and political activism will be explored for addressing structural and social injustice. Ther will be critical reflection on practices evidenced in case studies drawn from key historical figures and movements, as well as current Community Ministry practitioners.
Justice and Community Development Intensive
29 September - 2 October
This unit is for Deacon candidates in the Uniting Church in Australia, as well as other ministry practitioners. It introduces students to the social, political and cultural contexts of injustice in contemporary Australia, reflecting on missional and ethical responses.
Community Development principles will be brought into dialogue with biblical and theological sources expressing God’s desire for justice and shalom. Themes of
prophetic imagination, peacemaking, community building, resistance and advocacy, partnership building, and political activism will be explored for addressing structural and social injustice. Ther will be critical reflection on practices evidenced in case studies drawn from key historical figures and movements, as well as current Community Ministry practitioners.
Justice and Community Development Intensive
29 September - 2 October
This unit is for Deacon candidates in the Uniting Church in Australia, as well as other ministry practitioners. It introduces students to the social, political and cultural contexts of injustice in contemporary Australia, reflecting on missional and ethical responses.
Community Development principles will be brought into dialogue with biblical and theological sources expressing God’s desire for justice and shalom. Themes of
prophetic imagination, peacemaking, community building, resistance and advocacy, partnership building, and political activism will be explored for addressing structural and social injustice. Ther will be critical reflection on practices evidenced in case studies drawn from key historical figures and movements, as well as current Community Ministry practitioners.
Justice and Community Development Intensive
29 September - 2 October
This unit is for Deacon candidates in the Uniting Church in Australia, as well as other ministry practitioners. It introduces students to the social, political and cultural contexts of injustice in contemporary Australia, reflecting on missional and ethical responses.
Community Development principles will be brought into dialogue with biblical and theological sources expressing God’s desire for justice and shalom. Themes of
prophetic imagination, peacemaking, community building, resistance and advocacy, partnership building, and political activism will be explored for addressing structural and social injustice. Ther will be critical reflection on practices evidenced in case studies drawn from key historical figures and movements, as well as current Community Ministry practitioners.
Monday, October 21 at 1 pm Central Daylight Time (North America)
We will welcome a panel of our members who are actively engaged in reconciliation in their ministries. They will share their wisdom, experience, and knowledge from a variety of ministry contexts and ecumenical traditions. The panel will include a participant from the recent DOVE conference (Diakonia Overcoming Violence Exchange), and:
Alison Iton
Deacon, Wesley Diaconal Community of the Methodist Church in the Caribbean & the Americas (WDC, MCCA)
Chaplain of the Jamaica National Children’s Home Theological Advisor for Formation and Diakonia